Interview of Paris Milane

Paris shares her experience of growing up in Atlanta and starting to live her truth at a young age. She recalls finding reassurance in a community of other Black trans women for the first time and getting involved with parts of the Atlanta Black Queer and Trans scene. Professionally, Paris has spoken on panels about LGBT issues, worked as a music librarian at Morehouse College, and engaged in sex work. She currently works as a case manager at Housing Works in New York City. Paris weaves connections and highlights differences between her experiences and communities in Atlanta and in New York City. Throughout her accounts of journey and place, Paris shares about her own values regarding work ethics, relationships, gender roles, and activism.

Date of Interview:

June 22, 2017

Location of Interview:

Housing Works, Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn, New York

Place of birth:

Atlanta, Georgia

Interviewed by

Michelle O'Brien

Summary by

E.J. Coolidge