Interview of Emmett Metier

Emmett Metier is a Brooklyn-based artist whose work explores cyborg theory and microbiologythrough the narrative experience of the body. This interview was conducted in partnership withthe LGBT Histories of Central Iowa, a project of Grinnell College, and took place in July 2020during the COVID-19 lockdown. Born in Fort Dodge, Iowa, Metier discusses growing up in aconservative small town and his early experiences exploring queerness in online spaces. Metiershares what it was like to move from Iowa to New York City in his early 20s and the discoveryprocess of finding Trans friendship and gender-affirming health care. Inspired by the work ofPaul Preciado, David Wojnarowicz, and Olivia Laing, Metier discusses their art practice and theuncertainty of pursuing an MFA during quarantine.

Date of Interview:

July 14, 2020

Location of Interview:

Zoom, Apartment in Brooklyn

Place of birth:

Fort Dodge, Iowa



Interviewed by

Lily Dawson