← Interview of Bryn Kelly Memory Circle

Story sharers include: Katie Liederman, Diana Cage, Maxe Crandall, Chris Parker, Naomi Clark, Buffalo Trace, AJ Lewis, Zachary Scholl, Rebecca Novack, Joss Barton, Sarah Schulman / / Friends of prolific writer and performer Bryn Kelly come together to reflect on the legacy and lineage she left behind. Hear her editors and professors explain what it was like to work with somebody so insecure despite being more intelligent than themselves; her friends share memories of her love and talent for cooking, reading tarot, doing hair, and going out to Hey Queen! and other spots in Brooklyn; her loved ones recall supporting her through a particularly challenging hospitalization at Interfaith; and her peers at the Lambda Literary Retreat explore how the work she produced as The Hussy and Party Bottom will live on as some of the most important and validating literature surrounding life as an HIV-affected person.